May 9, 2010

How About National Exam?

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Finally, holiday is coming!

Hm, now, i want to share about my fate in NE. 
Yeah, Alhamdulillah, I'm pass NATIONAL EXAM!
Actually, I was do test in MANIC when graduation announcement, yesterday.
So,  I just found out my score in the evening (-‾ε‾-).

Ok, How about my score?
37. 35, & the average is 9.34
Math: 9.0 (hm, I think i will get 9.75 -___-")
Science: 9.75 (I've predict it ._.)
English: 8.8 (uwaaaaaa >,<  it's the worst score! I must study hard for this lesson v.v)
Indonesian Language: 9.8 (Alhamdulillah, It's the highest score of NE for my school & myself. It's more than my target! I do not know, how it can happens? May be, because 'trust' or... ki seki? Oh, I don't know. See in my old post - National Examination -___-")

Hm, just 1 lesson/score which same with my wish/predict & my nem isn't 38 :'(. But, i'm grateful enough, because there are students who do not graduate. May be there in my school too.

Arigatou, faito!

A Risepad