Mar 21, 2013

After School Exam!

Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi  wabarakaatuh~
Hello! Konnichiwa! How's life, fellas? Hamdulillah, hope we always say syukr to Allah :)

Now is a holiday for me!

Hamdulillaaaaaaaah, hope these 3 days are enough for me to refresh my brain and collect my spirit again!
Hamdulillah, School exam is over! ><
But, I'm really... yeah, disappointed with myself. I didn't study hard. So, I couldn't do exam well. O, so worst. Moreover in sundanese, like usual :((( I got very very worst score. Hm... just tawakkalna'alallah. This is just one of exam in this world. *But still fighting because Allah!* And... another bad news is... many students are cheating, subhanAllah. O Allah, You know everything, please give the best to us, me and my best friend who didn't cheat. Allahumma aamiin.

I learned many things, and recently, I found some-things weird an it disturbs my feeling. O Allah, help me, please.

Looking for help.
