Feb 22, 2013

New Vintage Accessories!

Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, fellas~
Konnichiwa, how's life? O genki desu ka? Alhamdullah, just say it, friends :)
Hm, several days ago... A packet's coming~ I bought 2 vintage pins >< I really like it!
I bought it from a friend, Nuruu-san, she has just returned to Indonesia, from Japan! And... those vintage things are from japan, and also I got a discount for it, wuhuuu~ *waving dance*  hamdulillah!

The rose pin with the pearl is mine!
The red one!
But, some of friends said it's just so so, very small, etc. Hem... but over all, I still love it, thanks Allah!

