Jul 23, 2013

The Failed Mission~

Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakaatuh fellas! How's life? genki desu ka?
Hamdulillah if your life is amazing><

Hm, how about your Ramadhan kareem?
How about me? Before, I have a mission to deactivate my facebook account, but.. many things happen, so, I have to active-active-and reactive my account, O Allaaaaah~
First, I have to buy (online) a laptop, but.... It canceled.
Second, yesterday and several days ago, I got menses, so I didn't shalah and syaum:(
Then, I have to active in my medical school group in facebook.

But... I realize, that the real mission is I should reduce my time and my activity in social media or internet.
Bismillah~ Yosh! And I don't give up! Yeah~ I can start it again right now.

Allah... please help me. Thanks Allah~
Make me always with You

