May 25, 2013

Beautiful little thing called "my life"

Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakaatuh fellas! How's life? genki desu ka?
Hamdulillah if your life is beautiful... Um, me? Um, recently, I really feel so worst. I make many sins. But, everytime Allah always show me His kindness, masyaAllah... Thank you O Allah:))) Hope Allah always admonish us for our-every-mistakes before in aheerat. Now, I also really wanna be a true muslimah, good daughter, good sister and good friend. And I have a big hope to "pass away" in the best condition as mukminah. Syahid and husnul khaatimah. Allahumma aamiin.

Okay, so how about your national exam, huh? Hamdulillah... I really thank Allah to every-best-thing that Allah always give to me! Hamdulillaaah:) And hope there's no "an arrogant" in my heart. Aamiin, aamiin:) Yaa Allah, please help me~
This is also reminds me to 3-yrs-ago, in this blog I wrote about my result of national exam when I was in junior high school! O, the time felt so fast! SubahanAllah~

O Allah, I don't know anything, and You are the only one who know everything.. Give me the best from You, and show me the signs, please..

Arigatou, fight on!
